


All Roads Lead To Ausfahrt

NoMeansNo: the school they knocked down to build the old school...

Starting as a half piece band NMN quickly blossomed into two, two halves that is, equaling one band. Go on, do the math. They are one band, banded and then released into the wild. Rock and Roll baby, yeehaw! On a journey spanning the decades, NoMeansNo has thoroughly and consistently been on the edge of something akin to a tall mountain made up of, primarily, rock. Oh you might find them resting in the groves in the shadow of a fallen giant, punky in it's decay, rustling up some huevos con fusion, amigos, but with the release of their tenth full length cd, they surely know the value of a hearty breakfast. Familiar with dips.... bends, peaks and valleys in the road, NoMeansNo looks forward to going back. 22 years, you say and still more to come.

Stretching to three pieces and still remaining one band, those crazy Canucks ventured forth from the basement in 1981. The rest is history...until now, when the future is a past that hasn't happened yet and the Wright brothers, Rob and John, with that firecracker Tom Holliston begin anew and start another long journey home.

— W Buzz Ryan
    Humbeek Bee

Release date: Aug. 22, 2006

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